Know Your Hard Core
16%+ Improvement in Core Muscle strength within 1 Month
A recent study by Birmingham University showed an improvement in core strength of 16% in 4 weeks with an exercise rate of only 2 sessions per week and a higher engagement rate than traditional gym ball exercises. Click here for published details.
Cognative Flow - You concentrate on playing the game not the core exercise, so you exercise for longer.
Gognative Flow is a stae of mind achieve when you focus on a game. Too hard and you give up quickly to easy and you give up and get bored.
There is a sweet spot for your mind and this is where a game is not too easy and not hard so you have to focus and concentrate and it creates a meditive state called Cognitive Flow.
Links to your fitness device so you can track progress
As part of your motivation regieme as well as reaching you fitness gaming targets and high score you still need to compare your Bio mettics progress.
Whilst your are exercising MOOVABall will show you how your Heart Rate is rising in relation to the game you are playing so you can choose which exercise works best for you.
Works On - Amazon Fire TV, Tablet, Smart Tv and Phone
Because the games are based on Mobile Phone Applications – MOVOBall will work with all your devices and store your information securely.
the Hard Core Workouts
Core strength is key for many sports and exercises.
Core strength provides stability and balance
Core strength prevents injury
Core strength generates power
Core strength improves muscle efficiency
MOOVABall transforms core strength workouts using a traditional gym ball! From the boring and tedious to exciting and fun using Video Games and Exergaming Technology.
By using a patented and designed motion-sensitive cradle you can interact with specifically designed fitness games that exercise your core muscles whilst you play.
MOOVABall is suitable for Gym Fanatics and Families alike.
Backed by Science
Birmingham University is recognised as one of the leading sports science and rehabilitation faculty’s in the UK.
The universities spinal injuries clinic was instrumental in securing funding for MOOVABall to be tested as a objective data driven tool for improving core muscle strength.
The project ran for a 4 week period with analysis and research post project. Results were positive and improvement in the participants was up to 16%. This was only on an exercise regime of 2 sessions per week.
Luxembourg University is recognised as a world-leading innovation centre for health and sports science.
Dr De Munzio has already had the experience of working with MOOVABall and is creating a project to study the difference between standard exercises using a gym ball versus the added physical and mental benefits of exercising with MOOVABall and playing video games at the same time.
The project is due to start within the next three months.